2020 Janus XXVII
2020 Janus Individual
If you would like to play but don’t yet have a team, sign up here and we’ll get you in contact with a team.
Submit your payment.
See who’s going:
[cfdb-table form=”2020 Janus Team” show=”Team Name,Team Location” filter=”Division=Open”]
[cfdb-table form=”2020 Janus Team” show=”Team Name,Team Location” filter=”Division=Mixed”]
[cfdb-table form=”2020 Janus Team” show=”Team Name,Team Location” filter=”Division=Youth”]
College Open
[cfdb-table form=”2020 Janus Team” show=”Team Name,Team Location” filter=”Division=College”]
18jan(jan 18)9:00 am19(jan 19)5:00 pm