The Important Stuff (DEFINITELY READ THIS)
Tampa Bay Ultimate is proud to present Spring Mixed League 2019!
Spring Mixed League will be Intermediate Level true mixed play. The regular season will begin on March 15th. The Playoffs will take place on April 19th. Male signups will be capped at 40, a waitlist will be collected after that point. Overall signups will be capped at 72. Any players who sign up and land on the waitlist will be provided a full refund if they do not get on a team.
Baggage is not allowed for Spring Mixed League, with the exception of players who are new to the ultimate community. Please contact the League Director if you are bringing someone who is new to this league.
Make sure to sign up by March 15th to guarantee your spot in league for $30. Additions after that date may not be possible, but check with the League Director. If you sign up and do not see your name on the roster, please reach out to the League Director.
By enrolling in this event, you explicitly agree to the terms of the TBUltimate Waiver & Release posted here.
Finally, once you enroll for this event, please make sure your t-shirt size & gender, skill level, and athletic ability are accurately filled out on your roster profile.
Important Dates
- March 15th: Registration Closes & Pre-Season Hatter
- March 22nd: Kick-Off Event (Location to be announced!)
- March 29th: Regular Season Starts
- April 19th: Playoffs
- April 26th: Rain Date (If Necessary)
Other Important Details (Please read this)
- 1 game per evening, starting at 7:30 PM
- Game to 15, halftime at 8. Halftime may be no more than 10 minutes
- Soft Cap (+2) is at 90 minutes from the start of the round – 9 pm. Hard cap will go off at 110 minutes.
- At the time of soft cap, finish the current point, then add two to the higher score and play to that. Waiting to pull the disc or waiting during half-time is part of the current point. If one team scores to 15 at the time of soft cap, the game is over. Games will not exceed 15 points.
- Two timeouts per half. Timeouts may be used in soft cap. No timeouts in hard cap.
Gender Ratio Rules:
- The gender format is true mixed. Points will be either 4 men, 3 women or 3 men, 4 women.
- At the start of the game, captains will determine whether the gender ratio will be dictated by the offense, or the end zone. If the end zone dictates, use the same end zone all game.
Other Odds and Ends (It would be great if you read this)
Intermediate League Definition
- Open to all skill levels.
- Spirited play (Spirit of the Game)
- Emphasis on gender equity and defined gender ratios (4:3/3:4)
- Improvement on skills and tactics learned in Recreational League
- New and developing players are encouraged to seek out further instruction from captains and experienced players.
- Win-at-all-cost behavior and intense physicality are strictly prohibited.
Other Rules
- “Check feet” is not a legal call. If you think a player is out of bounds, actively call them “out.” Not “I think you’re out,” or “you might be out,” but “you are out.” After play has stopped, the discussion is about which player has the best perspective and if the player was in or out of bounds. Generally, the player catching the disc does not always have the best perspective.
- You can take back your “out” call if you find they were actually inbounds during the discussion. “My bad, you were actually in.”
- After a call is made, BE CALM.
- Breathe. Don’t react right away.
- Explain what you think happened.
- Consider what they think happened.
- Ask other players for advice (on perspective and rules if needed)
- Listen to what everyone involved has had to say.
- Make a call loudly and clear (and use hand signals when possible)
- For the full set of ultimate rules, refer to the USA Ultimate 11th Edition rule book.
- The “contact” call is still technically an experimental rule under USAU. Not everyone knows it, nor will you find it in the 11th edition rule book.
- Dangerous Play: Reckless disregard for the safety of fellow players is considered dangerous play and is to be treated as a foul, regardless of whether or when contact occurs. This rule is not superseded by any other rule. If uncontested, this must be treated as the most relevant foul.