2017 Beach On Grass

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[cfdb-table form=”2017 Beach On Grass” show=”Team Name,Team Location”]
","location":[{"@type":"Place","name":"Meadowlawn Middle School","address":{"@type": "PostalAddress","streetAddress":"1673-1735 58th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33703"}}]}

02dec9:30 am6:00 pm2017 Beach On Grass

Event Details

4v4 Beach on Grass(BOG) ultimate is played the same way as beach ultimate but on grass. Go figure. Beach rules are listed below if you don’t know the differences. Join us for something different, something fun, get swampy with BOG ultimate!

Bid fee is $100 per team.
Teams are made up of a minimum of 4 to a MAXIMUM OF TEN PLAYERS.
This will be mixed with 3 men/1 woman ratio.
Your team must bring their own dark and white. Try to match and have fun with it!
Breakfast food provided, painted lines, water, trainer, & mini games at tourney central.


Same rules as USAU 11th edition with a few caveats listed below.
Beach Rules:
1. The Playing Field.
a. 8 yd end zones, 34 yd playing field, 30yd width.
2. The Pull
a. The pull must be an inverted throw (upside down, hammer, scoober, thumber, etc.). If the pull is allowed to land untouched, the disc must contact the ground at an angle of at least one degree away from perpendicular to the ground toward the top side down. If the disc lands otherwise, the receiving team has the choice of putting the disc into play normally, requesting a re-pull, or putting the disc into play from the brick mark.
3. Stall Count
a. The marker administers a stall count on the thrower by announcing “Stalling” and then counting from one (1) to six (6). The interval between the start of each word in the stall count must be at least one (1) second.
4. Scoring
a. Two points are scored when a player throws a completed pass from within their defending end zone to within their attacking end zone. A player may pivot over the goal line while attempting a 2 point play, as long as the pivot point is on the goal line or in the end zone.
5. Fouls, Infractions, & Violations
a. If it is contested any stall count restarts at maximum four (4).
b. After a foul by the offence, whether contested or not, any stall count restarts at maximum five (5).
c. After a violation by the offence:
i. If there is no contest the stall count restarts at maximum five (5);
ii. If the violation is contested any stall count restarts at maximum four (4).
d. After simultaneous offsetting fouls or violations, any stall count restarts at maximum four (4).
e. For all other contested calls, any stall count restarts at maximum Four (4)

Team Name:

See who’s going:

[cfdb-table form=”2017 Beach On Grass” show=”Team Name,Team Location”]



December 2, 2017 9:30 am - 6:00 pm(GMT+00:00)


Meadowlawn Middle School

1673-1735 58th Ave N, St. Petersburg, FL 33703

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